Dale Chihuly is a world-renowned glass artist known for creating large, colorful and intricate glass sculptures. His artwork blurs the line between fine art and craft, and he is considered a master of his medium. Chihuly's glass pieces can be found in many museums and galleries around the world, as well as in public spaces and private collections.
Dale Chihuly was born in Tacoma, Washington in 1941.
He attended the University of Washington, where he first became interested in glassblowing.
Chihuly co-founded the Pilchuck Glass School in 1971, which is now one of the most renowned glass art schools in the world.
He has created large-scale installations for numerous public spaces, including the lobby of the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas and the ceiling of the rotunda at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
Chihuly has also been honored with numerous awards, including eleven honorary doctorates.
Italian glass artist known for his mastery of traditional Venetian glassblowing techniques.
American glass artist known for his intricate floral designs and use of color.
Italian glass artist known for his large-scale sculptures and innovative use of glassblowing techniques.
Chihuly's chandeliers are some of his most iconic pieces, consisting of a series of glass shapes and objects suspended from a metal frame.
Chihuly's large-scale installations often consist of thousands of individual glass pieces arranged to create a dramatic effect in a particular space.
Chihuly's smaller pieces, such as bowls and vases, showcase his skill in creating intricate shapes and patterns out of glass.
Chihuly's artwork can be found in many museums and galleries around the world, as well as in public spaces and private collections. Some notable locations include the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, the Space Needle in Seattle, and the de Young Museum in San Francisco.
The time it takes to create one of Chihuly's installations can vary depending on the size and complexity of the piece. Some installations have taken years to complete, while others can be created in a matter of months.
Chihuly uses a variety of glassblowing techniques to create his sculptures, including blowing, casting, fusing, and slumping. He also often incorporates other materials such as metal and neon.
The cost of Chihuly's pieces can vary widely depending on the size and complexity of the piece, as well as the location where it is being sold. Some smaller pieces such as bowls and vases can be purchased for a few thousand dollars, while larger installations can cost millions of dollars.
Chihuly's artwork is known for its bold, vibrant colors and intricate designs. He has also pushed the boundaries of traditional glassblowing techniques, incorporating new materials and experimenting with unconventional forms.